Want everything you could ever want from dieting and more? Do this instead... Oct 03, 2023

I don’t just teach cornhole players how to get in their bodies to succeed at cornhole. I also have spent the past 15 years helping people get in their bodies to be the healthiest, happiest...

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How do you measure success in cornhole? Sep 15, 2023

How do you measure success in cornhole? Most people think about how many wins they have, whether or not they are throwing well, how much money they are making, rankings, or what people say.

It is...

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How Change Happens Sep 04, 2023

Many of us will decide that we want change in our lives. But typically we approach it backwards. An NLP teacher of mine drew out a map to the best approach to change and I’ve never forgotten...

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An Invitation To Those Ready To Live A More Peaceful Life Aug 15, 2023

We’re living by a set of rules that leaves almost no room for the softer side of humans to exist. We’re in a constant state of action, constantly being focused and efficient.

No room to...

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July Travel & Body Realizations Jul 03, 2023

July is here and it’s definitely getting crazy. I am writing this from the Delta Sky Lounge in Detroit after the last national. This time, however, I am not going home as California is a long...

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Presence, Cornhole, & Honoring Our Capacity May 30, 2023

If you've been following along you'll notice my travel journey is getting more and more impacted. So much so that last month I got sick and missed an entire weekend in Fort Worth. What an important...

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How To Get Out of a "Rut" In Cornhole May 01, 2023

Getting into a rut in cornhole is frustrating. It makes people either want to quit, take a break, or go into crazy practice mode. Thankfully, there is a better solution...

The first rut I...

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Confidence in Cornhole & Life cornhole mindset Feb 06, 2023

A member of the cornhole boot camp asked about how to play better against players he feels are better than he is. I mentioned that this is just a confidence issue. But not necessarily just a...

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Consistency in Cornhole and Life cornhole mindset Jan 30, 2023

Whether you want to lose weight, be healthier, or play your best cornhole game you can’t help but rattle around the idea of consistency in your head.

We know as humans that consistency is...

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How to "Get Out of Your Head" in Cornhole cornhole mindset Jan 18, 2023

I recently polled a group of cornhole players to find out what they thought some of their biggest hurdles are in the game of cornhole. One of the common responses was "I need to get out of my...

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Why “New Year, New You” is B.S. Jan 01, 2023

It's time for a new year, which means many campaigns boasting big promises and significant resolutions. 

I personally hate new year's resolutions. They always felt like a reminder of the...

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What Cornhole Players Need to Hit Tough Shots & Win Tough Matches Nov 10, 2022

Let’s say you step up to the boards next to a player that you’ve never beaten. Or you’re faced with a shot you haven’t executed well many times. 


You might...

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