Episode 6: The 3 Things For Long-Term Weight Loss

Season #1 Episode #6

Why is it so FREAKIN hard to lose weight, keep it off, and be done with this weight loss thing once and for all?

This is the question I asked myself every day when I was struggling and a question my clients ask when I first meet them.

The easiest way to answer this question is to think about 3 things… 

In all my years of doing this, I have found that all 3 of these things are getting in the way of my client's success.

And, it doesn’t seem to matter what their age is, how much weight they want to lose, how long they’ve been trying to lose weight, or even what stage of the weight loss cycle they are in… they all struggle with these 3 things

Also, the people that don’t struggle with weight are not experiencing these 3 things at all.

This is what fascinated me the most. Because until I found these 3 things I couldn’t understand why some people struggled and others didn’t.

The answers we hear for why never sat right with me because I couldn’t find them to be true across the board for every person.

For example, age...

But not ALL women of a certain age gain weight…

Or stress… but not all women who are stressed gain weight…

Genetics… there are twin studies that show this to be untrue…

Calories… Not all people that eat a lot of calories gain weight…

And so people end up just accepting answers like “slow metabolism” or “hormones” to explain the unexplainable.

This wasn’t enough for me though… I had to dig deeper, and when I did…  I found out about the 3 things we are going to talk about today.

Listen to today's podcast to learn about these 3 things and how to make sure you have all 3 of them working for you!

If you want to "Learn the “CF Method For Kids” to Create Fun & Confidence Around Food & The Body Without Controlling Their Food or Exercise" then register for my free webinar with the link below: 


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