Cornhole Courses

ACL Academy

ACL Academy is a combination of experts and group coaching. Michelle works with Academy members on their mental game while bringing in experts on mechanics, mindset, and health/fitness. This allows cornhole players to receive support in all the areas they need for peak performance: Mechanics, Mindset, Stamina.

Check out ACL Academy

Women's Cornhole Community Resources

This course helps the women of cornhole understand how to overcome the stereotype bias in the sport and approach the game from the feminine for maximum results. 

Get Started For Free

3 Steps For Getting Out of Your Head & Mastering The Mental Side of Cornhole

This in-depth course walks you through 3 steps to help you master the mental game of cornhole including getting out of your head and into your body, eliminating negative self-talk, and creating unwavering confidence.

Try The First Module For Free

Cornhole Bootcamp

This 30-day course walks you through daily practice routines to strengthen your mental toughness. ACL Pro Ryan Smith also gives you weekly practice routines to utilize that increase in pressure to prepare you for high-pressure situations.

Get Started For $30

Wellness Courses

Heal Your Relationship with Food, Exercise, & Your Body

Just $5 to instantly access 3 incredible ebooks to heal your relationship with food, exercise, and your body! These workbooks will educate, inspire, and challenge you to connect with your body in a more empowering way.

Get Started For $5

The Lighten Up Program

The lighten upĀ loss courseĀ walks you through a process of understandingĀ food, exercise, and your weight in a way you've never heard before. You will learn the truth about how we really started struggling with weight and food as a culture and then a new paradigm for approaching our health.

Try The First Module For Free

In-Person Training

Annual Women's Retreat

In the spring Michelle and ACL Pro Rosie Streker work with a small group of women in person to strengthen their cornhole game and improve their lives. This all-inclusive retreat allows ladies to connect with their bodies, their community, and the game of cornhole.

Get Notified About The Next Retreat