Episode 11: How to Lose Weight Without Dieting or Counting Calories

Season #1 Episode #11

Hey there, today we are going to talk about how to lose weight without dieting or counting calories. There is a lot of confusion out there about how weight, food, and exercise all work and certainly a great deal of conflicting information.

The reason why there are so many theories is that there are so many bodies. It’s pretty challenging to create weight, food, and exercise theories when the inner working of a body is so incredibly unique.

The weight loss industry likes to highlight patterns but this truly does us all a disservice because it still creates an assumption that there is a blueprint to follow that will solve our problems and create the results we desire.

The only blueprint we really have is that we are all truly unique. Therefore, a weight loss approach will be unique to the person. However, humans are fairly predictable. And so, understanding how humans behave will pave the way to uncovering our unique weight loss blueprint. We just have to get out of the way to reveal it…. Ready to do that?

If you want to "Learn the “CF Method For Kids” to Create Fun & Confidence Around Food & The Body Without Controlling Their Food or Exercise" then register for my free webinar with the link below: 


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