16: 5 Things You Can Do to Stop Watching Your Weight

Season #1 Episode #16

As we enter this new year we hear about weight loss from every corner. One of the programs we hear a lot about is WW. Personally, I don’t think our weight wants to be watched at all. I don’t know about you but if someone was watching me constantly I don’t know if I would listen either. 

Weight watchers is very popular in our country. I would say 80% of my clients have been on weight watchers. Yet, it is always in the past. How many people have said they have tried it, or they are back on it? I think it is time to stop watching our weight and start listening to our bodies. Our bodies are not telling us to stalk them day and night, however, society is.

Today we will go through the 5 things you can do to stop watching your weight and start listening to your bodies.

If you want to "Learn the “CF Method For Kids” to Create Fun & Confidence Around Food & The Body Without Controlling Their Food or Exercise" then register for my free webinar with the link below: 


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This podcast was inspired by this blog post