Consistency in Cornhole and Life

cornhole mindset Jan 30, 2023

Whether you want to lose weight, be healthier, or play your best cornhole game you can’t help but rattle around the idea of consistency in your head.

We know as humans that consistency is what helps us achieve and be our best. 

We tell ourselves if I just do XYZ consistently then I will have consistent results. And it feels really good when we follow through. It feels hopeful. It feels like it will fix everything. We love having a logical explanation for why something isn't happening and a logical solution to fix it.

When we are “doing all the things” we create expectations for what our outcome SHOULD be. We want to operate like robots. Input formula, output result. 

And then the people around us that have what we want tell us all the things they are doing which further confirms our suspicion that if we just “do all the things” we will have their results.

And the truth is, doing those things consistently absolutely CAN lead to the results we want. BUT… the energy behind our “practice” is crucial for our ultimate outcome.

We are humans, not robots. Which means when we input a formula it mixes with a bunch of complicated stuff and spits out an outcome. This is why two people can have the exact same routine and have completely different results. And also why it’s so important not to reduce yourself to the things you are doing (or not doing).

So when you are looking at your lack of consistent results let’s take a human perspective. How is this human feeling? What makes this human feel best? What allows this human to thrive? How does this human feel the most confident?

You might find that practicing certain routines makes you feel most confident. And that is why you do them. Not to get the result. To make the human feel best. Which creates the best outcome.

And in case you are saying this sounds like a bunch of BS let me explain it a little further…

When you feel your best your body performs differently. Hormones are released differently. Muscles respond differently. Your mind performs differently. Complex processes stemming from the nervous system behave differently.

And it all stems from HOW YOU FEEL, not what you do. The doing only supports (or doesn’t support) how you feel which sets off the tone for how the body will perform.

So next time you beat yourself up for not being more consistent, take a step back and check in with yourself as a human. What do you need? What makes you feel best?

Then do those things and do them to support the human that you are. Not the machine that you aren’t.

This is what creates consistency in the habits and the results that you want so badly.

For more support with the mental side of your game check out my Cornhole Bootcamp:

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